Researchers at the University of Copenhagen demonstrate for the first time that diet induced obesity (DIO) leads to raised intracranial pressure (ICP) and subsequent clinically relevant symptom development.

In the paper “The impact of obesity‑related raised intracranial pressure in rodents” published in Scientific Reports journal, Westgate and collaborators used the Phoenix MICRON® image-guided OCT system, along with the Phoenix MICRON® Insight software, in the measurement of the retinal anatomical changes caused by intracranial hypertension in obese rats. The Problem: Intracranial pressure (ICP) measures the


Subretinal injection damage has implication for experimental control and treatment in rat model of retinopathy of prematurity

In their 2017 article, “Effect of subretinal injection on retinal structure and function in a rat oxygen-induced retinopathy model,” Becker et al used the Phoenix MICRON® IV fundus camera, Phoenix MICRON® OCT2 and corresponding layer analysis software Insight 2D, and the Phoenix MICRON® focal ERG to find that subretinal injection of saline or even introduction


A better mouse model of retinal vein occlusion with the Phoenix MICRON® laser and OCT

Retinal vein occlusion is the second most common retinal vascular disorder leading to loss of vision in developed countries (after diabetic retinopathy). A lack of treatment options is partially caused by a lack of effective animal models; most rodent models do not show the essential symptom of cystoid edema and often heal quickly. In their


Phoenix MICRON® OCT tracks individual stem cells in the rat retina

In the July edition of Nanomedicine journal, Chemla et al demonstrate a fascinating and novel way to label and track individual photoreceptor precursor cells migrating within the retina with fluorescence and gold nanoparticle tagging using the Phoenix MICRON® and OCT. Many retinal diseases such as age-related macular degeneration and retinitis pigmentosa are characterized by photoreceptor


Corneal Thickness Analysis using OCT

Corneal images taken with the Phoenix Micron IV OCT used for thickness analysis King et al, a consortium of researchers at a range of institutions, recently used the Phoenix Micron IV OCT to examine corneal thickness in their article, “Genomic locus modulating corneal thickness in the mouse identifies POU6F2 as a potential risk of developing