Micron Retinal Imaging System Provides Ground Breaking Research on Parkinson’s Disease

In Nature’s Scientific Reports article, the Micron Retinal Imaging System demonstrates the progression of Parkinson’s Disease in the retina.

Phoenix Research Labs is pleased to announce ground breaking research on Parkinson’s Disease by Price et al using the Micron Retinal Imaging System.  Abnormally high concentration of the protein a-synuclein in the brain is linked with the physical and mental deficits caused by Parkinson’s Disease {PD) and Dementia with Lewy Bodies (DLP).  A mouse model overexpressing GFP – tagged a-synuclein, a-syn::GFP (Fig 1, above), recapitulates many of the clinically relevant physical issues seen in PD and DLP. The Micron clearly shows the a-synuclein punctae in the retina, allowing a glimpse of the brain through the eyes.

Researchers Price et al examined the retinas of a-syn::GFP mice using the Micron Retinal Imaging Camera and found a significant increase in the number of a-synuclein puntae as the mice aged.  Additionally, an immunotherapy against a-synuclein reduced the number of punctae in the retina, revealing a potential clinical therapy for those suffering from disorders associated with overabundance of a-synuclein.

The Micron Retinal Imaging System provided crisp brightfield and GFP images of a-synuclein and allowed longitudinal studies of potential clinical therapies (Fig4, right). Imaging retinas of diseased mice using the Micron III is a powerful way to study the eye-brain connection.