The Micron X is a unique retinal imaging system optimized for eye research using large animals. Micron X delivers brightfield images of pinpoint resolution and high contrast fluorescein angiograms.

In the experiment above, pigs received six laser shots per eye, with the control group receiving saline treatment and test group receiving Eylea™ treatment. Eylea™, an FDA-approved drug, is an anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (anti-VEGF) that prevents vascular growth. The crisp, high resoution brightfield and fluorescein angiography images, captured by the Micron X, show that Eylea™ clearly mitigates the neovascularization induced by laser burn.
The Micron X quickly and clearly acquired these images within minutes.
Experiments performed by Powered Research, LLC North Carolina, a preclinical CRO specializing in opthalmic models for life science R&D companies, utilizing a Phoenix Research Labs Micron X Large Animal Retinal Imaging Camera.